
Development of Materials Science in Research and Education

DMSRE Seminars

Upcoming DMSRE Conference

DMSRE34 conference:

History of the Conferences

In 1990 the idea to organize research seminars focused on preparation and characterization of solids appeared. At the meeting of the Slovak Expert Group of Solid State Chemistry and Physics and the Czechoslovak Association for Crystal Growth the representatives (M. Koman, M. Dunaj-Jurčo, K. Nitsch, and M. Růžička) came to an decision to organize every year the joint seminars Development of Materials Science in Research and Education (DMSRE) by rotation in the Slovakia (odd years) and in the Czech Republic (even years).

The aim of the Seminars was to provide an ideal forum for presentation and discussion of recent developments and achievements of Czech and Slovak experts (scientists, teachers, and students) in the field of preparation, characterization, and applications of materials in bulk, thin film, nano-crystalline and glassy states.

List of DMSRE seminars from 1991 to present.

The scientific sessions

cover the following topics of materials science: The language of the conference is English.

Original Web pages of the recent DMSRE conferences

Book of Abstracts in PDF format

Conference Proceedings

Zdeněk Kožíšek